28 January 2015



Hit Shift+Enter to input multiple lines of JavaScript code.

Hit F12 and check Disable cache in Network tab. Hit F5 only can refresh HTML loaded in Chome. To make sure that external JS used by the loaded HTML is refreshed, the following steps are needed. Take the following HTML as an example.

<script src="js/services.js"></script>
  • Right click to show up context menu
  • Click View page source
  • Open js/services.js in a new Chrome tab
  • Hit F5 in the new tab

History Cache

In Chrome, issue 1 qq.com, can’t connect 2 www.qq.com, show up. 3 qq.com, browse use www.qq.com automatically



  • http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/ErrorResponses.html#RESTErrorResponses
  • https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference/


If a cached resource is not expired and there is no must-revalidate header, there will no network traffic at all. The cached version will be used directly.

HTTP 301 Redirection

Chrome will cache HTTP 301 Redirection as long as it’s cache size is allowd. And a cached HTTP 301 Redirection will not shown up in Chrome Developer Tools’ network tab.